... Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
I have always believed that this verse proves that men and women are equal and have equal rights; that it provides the key to the rest of the passage on marriage. As a result, decisions in our home were open to discussion, BUT not anymore! I have now determined that the man has the right to proclaim the laws of the house. You may ask what has happened to bring about such a dramatic shift in my theology? Here follows the chain of events that brought me to this decision.
About three years ago my wife got really sick, and I was obligated to take on the task of making sure that there was food on the table each evening. Before this we shared the responsibility equally when it came to cooking. Although buying groceries was totally her responsibility, I now had to take on this horrible task as well.
Being who I am, I bought myself a few cookbooks (Jamie Oliver) and read through them like storybooks, to the amusement of some. Then I packed them away and started out on the adventure of making my own recipes. My three boys helped me from the beginning, and it developed to the point where we love cooking different dishes.
(Al three my sons are capable of preparing different dishes, from Pizzas to Boerekos – Leg of lamb, ham, and all the necessary vegetables. And all three of them are Braai experts. For those who don’t know what a braai is, it is much more that a barbeque.)

This was all fine, but I hate doing shopping. I ended up delaying buying groceries as long as possible. Finally, my three sons and I sat down and came up with a new game plan. We would buy groceries once every month and half. We would buy everything we would need for the next month and a half, and we would do it efficiently.