... Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
I have always believed that this verse proves that men and women are equal and have equal rights; that it provides the key to the rest of the passage on marriage. As a result, decisions in our home were open to discussion, BUT not anymore! I have now determined that the man has the right to proclaim the laws of the house. You may ask what has happened to bring about such a dramatic shift in my theology? Here follows the chain of events that brought me to this decision.
About three years ago my wife got really sick, and I was obligated to take on the task of making sure that there was food on the table each evening. Before this we shared the responsibility equally when it came to cooking. Although buying groceries was totally her responsibility, I now had to take on this horrible task as well.
Being who I am, I bought myself a few cookbooks (Jamie Oliver) and read through them like storybooks, to the amusement of some. Then I packed them away and started out on the adventure of making my own recipes. My three boys helped me from the beginning, and it developed to the point where we love cooking different dishes.
(Al three my sons are capable of preparing different dishes, from Pizzas to Boerekos – Leg of lamb, ham, and all the necessary vegetables. And all three of them are Braai experts. For those who don’t know what a braai is, it is much more that a barbeque.)

This was all fine, but I hate doing shopping. I ended up delaying buying groceries as long as possible. Finally, my three sons and I sat down and came up with a new game plan. We would buy groceries once every month and half. We would buy everything we would need for the next month and a half, and we would do it efficiently.
All was fine up to here! By the grace of God my wife is healthy and FIGHTING fit. But now the problems started. She demanded to do her share of the cooking, which is nice. But then she would use my ingredients leaving us (me and my sons) frustrated when we would be busy making something to eat and find the empty spots in the kitchen cupboards where we know we had stored the necessary items. We tried to keep her out of the kitchen but because I believed men and women are equal, I backed off every time when she demanded to cook something, leaving me and my boys a bit deflated.
BUT then she demanded to do the shopping with us. It took us not 35 minutes, not even an hour, but 1 hour 45 minutes! I was demoralized, I was totally drained, on the verge of tears. Who in their right mind strolls leisurely through a shop like Checkers, having light conversations with the different products? Remembering a long lost product in an aisle passed an hour ago and returning with something totally different, a new friend.
At this stage both my theology and I were shattered! I stood up with angered determination, and demanded the headship of our house. I said:
I am the man of this house: Thus I proclaim that my sons and I will do the cooking; my sons and I will purchase the groceries, and we will do the cleaning of the kitchen!It really felt great, I felt proud. Boy, I sure have told that woman!
Wish my hubby would be the man of the house
ReplyDeleteHy Boet jy het gatkant van die "deal" hier beet! haal hierdie af voordat my vrou dit sien. Sy weet ek admireer jou. Ek sal wragtig in die werk gesteek word. Haal af!
Funny funny!
ReplyDeleteI think I'll go tell my husband that I want him to be the man of the house. When he agrees, then I'll show him this post. :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for the laugh!
Ons deel meer as wat ek gedink het. Nou wag ek vir die opvolg. Kom nou, wees man genoeg om te vertel wat hierdie opstaan en "vertel my vrou" toe bereik het 'n maand of drie later. :-)
ReplyDeleteWell done Danette! Jy is seker baie goed met poker.
ReplyDeleteWens ek het so man gehad - ha ha
ReplyDeleteWil darm ook se jy is ‘n great pa!!
Well ek moet se so ‘n hoofskap werk 100% vir my!!
Jy is enige huisvrou se droom!
ReplyDeleteOns moet jou”clone”
Dankie vir die interessante storie
Geniet jou dag
Yis Paul dit is baie goed van jou. Gelukkig kan ek net soveer ietems aankoop as wat in my bike se houer pas, so dit is daagliks my bydrae. Ek hoop nie my vrou lees die stukkie nie!!!! Andre
ReplyDeleteDie storie asook die wyd uiteenlopende kommentaar is ewe vermaaklik! Manlief doen ook deesdae die inkopies, maar kort 'n paar kooklesse by julle! As jy 'Grotman' gesien het sal jy verstaan hoekom sjopping 'n heel ander ondervinding vir ons vroumense is. ;)
ReplyDeleteBaie dankie Paul, ek het al lankal aangesluit maar nog nooit iets verder gelees nie, het jou & kinders se nuus uit die kombuis geniet & ook al die ander getuienisse(alhoewel hartseer ook). My man haar inkopies, hy sal eerder by koffie winkel gaan sit en wag vir my! Ek dink jy kan ons iets leer met jou manier van inkopies :-).
ReplyDeletegroete vir jul
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