Saturday, March 27, 2010

What is your expectation of your pastor?

We live in a world where people’s worth are directly equal to their accomplishments. Where the one who achieves the most(even if they are cheating or false) are seen as the icon of success, the people we have to strive to be like. The people who become leaders, because they know what they want and will do anything to achieve it.
In the church we have the same problem, there is more focus on achievements that spiritual growth. We all strive to be the best, the great leader. When you are playing this game, you end up
playing the same game as the world. Leadership in the church should be serving, we should be very careful not to play the Pharisee game and only organise the serving from a leadership position.
There is a lot of factors that one must consider but I would like to focus on the following:
  1. If you would look at a typical pastors weekly planning, the amount of time spend seeking the face of God, praying and reading bible is shocking. You see people DOING the work of God, organizing planning and directing events with lots of planning but void of a deeper spirituality. In the beginning people will be very impress, but later on their hunger for something more, something deeper will make them uncomfortable. The pastor will start to loose their faith and the great danger would be the he/she would start to understand God only on a level where they can take control of what their faith has become, empty theology. Rationalising what we believe about God until we are stuck with only another social institution. The more people and churches move in this direction People are leaving the churches and one of their major reasons is that although they experience the church as very successful, they do not experience the fruit of the spirit in the pastors, the church or themselves.
  2. Business. We are far to busy with so many things that is not really important. We have to ask ourselves the question “What is really important?” When Jesus was on earth how much time did He spend on institutions and how much time did He spend on people? We want to bring the Kingdom of God through the institution, Jesus showed us the way by bringing the Kingdom of God through relationships! If we are willing to move into the world we would be able to make a difference in the world. But moving into the world needs time. By moving into the world I do not mean, assessing what we consider is the needs of the world and then helping them with it. I mean being with them where they are, not only where their needs are, but also with their joys. Acknowledging that they have worth. We try very hard to do the right things instead of just loving them. Ultimately loving them is the right thing to do.
  3. Loving one another. Without loving one another we cannot understand the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  Without loving one another we cannot proclaim the gospel of God to others. Loving is not a theory it is a act of your will. People can only experience this love when we get out of our houses, offices and churches and meet them where they are.
My life long vision is: “Love God, Be seen, Being known to care and Be available.

David Hayward the pastor in the second article is a very interesting guy. He reacts to everything without actually coming up with a alternative. It is one thing to move away from the "structures" but if you move away and do not build relationships where ministry can happen it is even worse.

The next article I found on
My style of pastoring is a constant frustration to people. Including myself. I don’t fit the bill. And I am vocal about it. I’m open about my struggle with the church, with my vocation, with the faith altogether. I’m open about my own doubts, fears, and questions. I am frequently informed that our church would be better off with a different pastor. Sometimes by those I pastor. But when someone decides to talk to me about it, or when I feel the time has come for me to open my mouth, I tell them that it isn’t just because I am lazy or deficient or inept. I tell them I am like this on purpose, that I am intentional about it and have theological reasons why I am the kind of pastor I am.
I believe my own obvious weaknesses allow others to be weak also. It often happens that when someone visits our church, their reaction is, “Wow! Your people have a lot of problems. They seem to struggle so much!” Actually, no. They are normal human beings. I believe everyone everywhere struggles just as much as we do. We’re just more open about it. And people find this kind of community where they can be honest about their struggles refreshing. How else can you help me bear my burden if we don’t know what it is?
I’ve been told so many times that as a leader I need to exemplify what it means to be a victorious Christian. If I don’t live victoriously, why would anyone want to hang around? Exactly! Which is why some don’t. I would rather exemplify what is real than what is superficial and artificial. I want to demonstrate joy in suffering, not joy without it. I want to be authentic and real, spots and wrinkles and all.
I believe that being open about my weaknesses is what the cross demands. The bible portrays Jesus as weak. The same with Paul. And I love the story of David. There’s something about not leading with authority that is repugnant. I see this in the biblical stories. But I’ve also see this in my own life. When I am deliberately weak and don’t lead with authority and power, which is so popular and in demand, people take this as a green light to despise you, insult you, and consider you disposable. I don’t get no respect. They really don’t know what they are doing. But we are like chickens in a coop. When one becomes sick or has a weakness, the others will crucify it. Well… peck it to death. I’ve raised chickens and I know what I’m talking about. I’m also a pastor and I know what I’m talking about there also.
I thoroughly believe that being weak releases a power that would otherwise hide itself. I think Paul understood this mystery. That’s why he boasted about his weaknesses. It proved that true spiritual wisdom and power was not achieved by human ingenuity, cleverness, intelligence, ambition or charisma. This is why I am the way I am with my community. The depth of love, generosity, spirituality and wisdom is not something we have manufactured. The weakness and humility of the people, even their plainness, ordinariness and self-effacement, are the fertile soil in which things like love, generosity, and wisdom grow.


  1. Interresting that the the Bible refers to Prie-sts, but today we have Past-ors?:) A pastor is defined as 1. A Christian minister or priest having spiritual charge over a congregation or other group.2. A layperson having spiritual charge over a person or group. A Christian is there to serve, a priest is there to take charge over Christians. Pastors do not need to follow a diary, business strategies, marketing strategies, democratic process; be a PR guru or psycologist; for: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty. Therefore take charge in the Spirit of the Lord

  2. I agree with the fact that we often get too busy with God’s things than with God Himself especially in church where so much is happening, all with good and solid intentions. I struggle a bit with the piece below with the pastor’s intentional boasting of weakness. Yes we are weak, we all are but we also live within the Christ who gives us strength to live life as victorious Christians and I feel strongly that we need to live that victory. The world knows all about pain and suffering and it has its own ways of handling it – murder, theft, drugs, sex etc. As victorious Christians we live within the same context with the same pain and suffering but within victory. Paul does speak about his weakness but he never failed to take leadership where it was needed nor did he hide behind these weaknesses. He acknowledged them and did what God gave him to do with all the passion he had – and he had quite a lot of that to.

    There is never an excuse to live a mediocre life, as we do not serve a mediocre God. That does not mean we all have to be Nobel Price winners, but it does mean that we have the responsibility to do what God gave us to do to the best of our abilities, allowing Him to overcome our weaknesses. That means living beyond which we think is possible giving God the glory for the successes. Not ‘moping’ within our weaknesses. What is a weakness anyway? I’d say a wonderful opportunity to let Gods glory shine through. I have weaknesses and I thank God for them, it serves as a constant reminder that we are nothing without Him and all Glory for any good we do is owned to Him and Him alone. Ilse Eigelaar-Meets
